Subject: Re: NetBSD-1.5 on 7500 with 604
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/08/2001 16:25:16
On Thu, Feb 08, 2001 at 01:12:33PM -0800, Bill Studenmund wrote:
> You have an Apple 1710 monitor, don't you? One difference between your
> situation and Monroe's probably is the monitor. Apple 15-pin monitors
> encoded the monitor type (and thus the resolution(s)) with different pin
> hookups on certain sense pins.
> The 1710 was a bit strange in that most of the monitor sensing actually
> happened over the adb bus. Under MacOS, if you didn't have the keyboard &
> mouse plugged into the monitor (and then the monitor into the computer),
> you only got 640x480 for the resolution.
Come to think of it, I was using 1710s when I brought up that list
of 7300s I gave earlier, and I seem to remember that the
PlanB-endowed model never could sync (but since it was headless,
installing via a serial console was fine for me).
My 7500 ("vendor 0x106b product 0x0004") actually syncs *better* on
the 1710 than any other monitor I've ever used except an ancient
13" that I got with an LC III in, oh, maybe 1993. (It seems to sync
every time these days on the 1710, but frequently the aim of the
electron gun is way out of wack towards stage right... the 13" is
dumb enough that that kind of thing is never problem, and it matches
OF 1.0.5's preferred resolution perfectly.)
This could just be because I haven't tried any other monitors since
I did the nvram hacking (via system disk) on that machine. (I
honestly don't remember.)
> If you have another type of monitor, you can try it to see if this theory
> holds any water. :-)
Well, I buy it. (We also have a 14" of the type that shipped with AV
Quadras here, and I *think* I've seen my PlanB 7300 sync on it,
but I can check next time I'm in the server room.)
~ g r @