Subject: Re: newfs is blowing my hfs
To: Parker <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/07/2001 17:08:00
On Wed, 7 Feb 2001, Parker wrote:
> Ding Bill! You're it on the "answer the next question please" round robin
> list! ;)
> I've been playing with disklabel -i /dev/rwd0a and was really confused about
> how it reordered things until you mentioned this. Thanks!
> Couple quickie questions:
> Obviously Disk Setup in MacOS partitions out as A/UX swap and / yet
> 'disklabel' sees these as 4.2BSD and 'swap' etc. Okay... but now how can I
> 'mount' the proper stuff to install the sets?
mount -t ffs /dev/wd0a /mnt
> As per Henry Hotz's remarks I'm playing with 'mount' (which I know nothing
> about yet.. learning as I go here sorry):
> I'm trying to mount /dev/rwd0a to /mnt
I assume you've already done a newfs /dev/rwd0a .
You want "mount /dev/wd0a /mnt".
> then
> I'm trying to mount the CD with the sets on it to /mnt2
mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0a /mnt2
> than I want to:
> cd /mnt
> tar zxvpf /mnt2/MACPPC/BINARY/SETS/base.tgz etc.
> cd /mnt/dev
> ./MAKEDEV all
> cd /mnt/etc
> cat >fstab
> /dev/wd0a / ffs rw 1 1
> /dev/wd0b none swap sw 0 0
> ^D
> shutdown -h now
> Okay the only places I'm stuck are how do I mount the A/UX / partition that
> MacOS made (listed as 4.2BSD in disklabel a.k.a 'a') to /mnt and mount the CD
> to /mnt2? There is no 'man mount' so I'm floundering with the syntax (again
> sorry for newbieness).
See above.
> And if I'm not 'newfs'ing' those A/UX partitions how are they going to be
> installable? If I do need to initialize _just_ the swap and / partitions with
> disklabel or newfs how can I do that without blowing the hfs partition out of
> the water. Keep in mind that concepts are good, actual commands are way
> better! :-)
You do not need to initialize the swap partition.
To initialize the root partition, you want "newfs /dev/rwd0a". I'd
actually recomend "newfs -c 64 /dev/rwd0a" but just a newfs should work.
Do not use disklabel to change the disk's partitioning. It's fine to use
it to look at the partitioning, but don't use it to edit, as it has no
clue about Apple partition maps.
The HFS partition should show up as an HFS partition in the disklabel. As
long as you don't newfs it and do not run the installboot program, you are
Take care,