Subject: Re: newfs is blowing my hfs
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Parker <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/07/2001 17:45:04
Ding Bill! You're it on the "answer the next question please" round robin
list! ;)
I've been playing with disklabel -i /dev/rwd0a and was really confused about
how it reordered things until you mentioned this. Thanks!
Couple quickie questions:
Obviously Disk Setup in MacOS partitions out as A/UX swap and / yet
'disklabel' sees these as 4.2BSD and 'swap' etc. Okay... but now how can I
'mount' the proper stuff to install the sets?
As per Henry Hotz's remarks I'm playing with 'mount' (which I know nothing
about yet.. learning as I go here sorry):
I'm trying to mount /dev/rwd0a to /mnt
I'm trying to mount the CD with the sets on it to /mnt2
than I want to:
cd /mnt
tar zxvpf /mnt2/MACPPC/BINARY/SETS/base.tgz etc.
cd /mnt/dev
cd /mnt/etc
cat >fstab
/dev/wd0a / ffs rw 1 1
/dev/wd0b none swap sw 0 0
shutdown -h now
Okay the only places I'm stuck are how do I mount the A/UX / partition that
MacOS made (listed as 4.2BSD in disklabel a.k.a 'a') to /mnt and mount the CD
to /mnt2? There is no 'man mount' so I'm floundering with the syntax (again
sorry for newbieness).
And if I'm not 'newfs'ing' those A/UX partitions how are they going to be
installable? If I do need to initialize _just_ the swap and / partitions with
disklabel or newfs how can I do that without blowing the hfs partition out of
the water. Keep in mind that concepts are good, actual commands are way
better! :-)
Bill Studenmund wrote:
> newfs is not the problem. sysinst is. Don't use sysinst. :-)
> For a disk which is using Apple partitioning, you can use disklabel to see
> what partitions are where, but you should NOT use it edit the partitions.
> One potential problem you might be running into is that if you've written
> a disklabel which subsequent Apple partitioning didn't overwrite, NetBSD
> will use it in preference to the apple partitioning. So you'd get in a
> situation where both OSs didn't agree as to what is where.
> Boot to a shell, and look at the disklabel. You should be able to see the
> partitions you set up under MacOS there. Make sure the starts & lengths
> are correct.
> You will see them in a different order than the Apple partition map. The /
> partition should show up as "a", and the swap as "b".
> Take care,
> Bill
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