Subject: Re: NetBSD-1.5 on 7500 with 604
To: None <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/04/2001 15:41:55
At 1:22 AM -0800 2/3/01, James Tuman Nelson wrote:
>I patched System Disk with ResEdit, following the directions. I only
>installed the video patch. No luck.
>Monroe Williams indicates his video "comes up at 60 Hz every time" in
>his e-mail response to Michael Wolfson regarding the System Disk patch,
>listed in the System Disk tutorial. My video under OF comes up at 67 Hz
>when set to /chaos/control. Is this correct?
I think that's correct. He only intended the 60 to be approximate.
I don't know what to make of the report of 120 Hz, really. I suppose
it's a reporting error or else a symptom of incorrect initialization.
>As indicated earlier, kbd works. I get a white screen, just no
>character output.
>I tried changing the delay from 2 ms to 5, 10, and 100 ms, but no luck.
>I presume this was the right variable.
Can only presume likewise.
>I also tried deleting the Apple patches in System Disk, but no luck either.
Still like you to try a different monitor or an oscilloscope, but I
know that's more work. Good luck.
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