Subject: Re: NetBSD-1.5 on 7500 with 604
To: James Tuman Nelson <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/31/2001 16:05:36
On Sat, Jan 27, 2001 at 04:55:55PM -0800, James Tuman Nelson wrote:
> I substituted my old 601 for the 604, but got the same result for OF:
> no screen output using
> /chaos/control. Keyboard entry works fine under kbd. I but my 604 back in.
That's funny. My 7500 works fine with /chaos/control. It's kind of
hit or miss (have to try the cmd-opt-P-R a few times every time),
but it eventually works. I have OF 1.0.5 (as all x500s do?) on which
I've run a hacked up version of System Disk to install the monitor
patch (mentioned in the macppc FAQ) and the patch to hold booting
till after OF has initialized the SCSI chain.
I mean, I don't regularly use the console (and wouldn't want to...
OF 1.0.5 is pretty ugly, and NetBSD doesn't have enough glue over
top of OF to make it look much prettier just yet), but it's the
machine sending this email, receiving all of the email for the zone, serving the web pages there, and acting as the
DNS server.
So, I promise, 7500s work. (Granted, mine has a G3 now, but it used
to have a 604, and that worked too... and, anyway, this is totally
unrelated to the processor, as long as it's not a 601.)
> The output log that is stored with zterm during the boot of netbsd has a
> few interesting items:
> .
> .
> .
> "awacs at obio0 offset 0x14000 not configured"
> "swim3 at obio0 offset 0x15000 not configured"
> "adb0 at obio0 offset 0x16000 irq 18: 2 targets"
> "aed0 at adb0 addr 0: ADB Event device"
> "akbd0 at adb0 addr 2: extended keyboard"
> "wskbd0 at akbd0"
> .
> .
> .
> I gather from this that netbsd finds the mouse and keyboard, but that
> the screen is not configured.
None of that has anything to do with the frame buffer, and matches
that section of my dmesg exactly. The framebuffer is here:
ofb0 at pci1 dev 11 function 0: Apple Computer Control
ofb0: 640 x 480, 8bpp
wsdisplay0 at ofb0: console (std, vt100 emulation), using wskbd0
Apple Computer PlanB (undefined subclass 0x00, revision 0x01) at pci1 dev 13 function 0 not configured
... and I'm willing to bet yours looks just like mine. The problem is
not with NetBSD recognizing your video hardware, but with
OpenFirmware sync'ing your monitor by way of your video hardware
(not something we have direct control over after we're within the
> A little later, the boot log gives:
> .
> .
> "ofb0 at pci1 dev 11 function 0: Apple Computer Control"
> "ofb0: 640 x 480, 8bpp
> "wsdisplay0 at ofb0"
> "Apple Computer PlanB (undefined subclass 0x00, revision 0x01) at pci1
> dev 13 function 0 not configured"
> .
> .
> Then I get the login prompt, followed by this message:
> "Jan 27 08:05:33 macppc getty[188]: /dev/ttyE0: Device not configured"
> I can log in and do stuff on NetBSD to my heart's content using ttya for
> input and output.
> I gather that ttyE0 is not configured because output is directed to
> ttya, inherited from OF.
Silly question: you *do* have ttyE0 enabled in /etc/ttys, right?
(Probably, and that's probably not it anyway, but it's worth
Is what you quote above really directly out of a log or transcribed
by hand? Because that wsdisplay0 line is incomplete...
> The above is obtained with "setenv output-device ttya" and "setenv
> input-device ttya" in OF.
> If I "setenv output-device ttya" and "setenv input-device kbd" in OF, I
> get output info sent to ttya, and I can input info from the keyboard
> through kbd. During boot of netbsd, I get boot info output to ttya,
> displaying information to "zstty0 at zsc0 channel 0 (console)" and
> "zstty1 at zsc0 channel 1". Thereafter, I get nothing on the zterm
> terminal through ttya, neither can I input commands through kbd, or
> ttya. I have to hardware reboot.
Uh... are you sure?
You *should* be able to log in and issue a shutdown -r even blindly,
and you shouldn't be losing access through the tty anyway... are you
sure you've got ZTerm configured properly with regard to baud rate
and so forth?
(I've booted ornery OF 2.x 6500s this way, and I *think* I've done
it with OF 1.0.5 machines, but I'm not positive.)
> "Henry B. Hotz" wrote:
> >
> > At 1:16 PM -0800 1/23/01, James T. Nelson wrote:
> > >I tried setting "setenv output-device /chaos/control" and "setenv
> > >input-device kbd", and then booting to the Jaz drive. The system
> > >boots up, but the monitor is black, and no output on ttya. However,
> > >I can input commands with the keyboard through ttya.
> > >
> > >I have not been able to get the monitor to work under OF either.
> > >Usually, I get a white square, very stable. I can input commands to
> > >OF through the keyboard, though. "setenv output-device ttya" blanks
> > >the screen of the monitor, and displays on my terminal (Mac SE with
> > >Zterm), as it should.
> >
> > First of all do you have the video patch for OF installed? OK, you
> > tried SystemDisk. Have you tried stripping the patches to just that
> > one? (In OF nvedit gets you a one-line emacs editor; ^c to quit and
> > nvsave or nvstore to save the edit buffer back to nvramrc.)
> >
> > This version of OF only supports the original Mac output resolution
> > so it initializes to 640 by 480 at 66 Hz, and that's all you can get.
> > This corresponds to the resolution/timing of the original Toby card
> > introduced with the MacII, and is not compatible with cheaper PC
> > monitors.
> >
> > >I am using Apple's 1710 monitor, which was purchased with the 7500.
> > >128 MByte of memory. The Jaz drive is 1 GByte. Except for the
> > >monitor problem, NetBSD works just fine. OF 1.0.5.
> >
> > The 1710 should support that resolution. Do you have the ADB plugged
> > in through the monitor? You could try unplugging the monitor ADB
> > cord and plugging the kb/mouse in directly. Then the monitor/CPU
> > interface is a bit simpler and you have bypassed some potential
> > problems. Also are you using a monitor extension cable? That's
> > unlikely to be the issue, but still. . .
> >
> > > Incidently, I tried setting wscons and /etc/ttys. No luck. I did
> > >not try turning on the console in /etc/ttys or /etc/wscons.conf,
> > >though.
> >
> > None of this should matter. Just see if you can get it working with
> > OF. NetBSD just inherits the video configuration AFAIK.
> What is "AFAIK"
> >
~ g r @