, Emre <emre@srengineering.com>
From: Henry B. Hotz <hotz@jpl.nasa.gov>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/30/2001 13:34:49
At 3:06 PM -0500 1/28/01, Todd Vierling wrote:
>The boot command should be similar to:
> boot cd:,ofwboot.xcf hd:,netbsd
>I'm not sure if that will actually work; you may need to supply the
>ask-for-kernel option (...ofwboot.xcf -a).
There's nothing you can enter with the -a option that you can't just
put in the boot command directly (though -a lets you try multiple
possibilities more easily). It's the same code that reads both.
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h.b.hotz@jpl.nasa.gov, or hbhotz@oxy.edu