Subject: Re: NetBSD-1.5 on 7500 with 604
To: None <>
From: James Tuman Nelson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/27/2001 16:55:55
I substituted my old 601 for the 604, but got the same result for OF:
no screen output using
/chaos/control. Keyboard entry works fine under kbd. I but my 604 back in.
The output log that is stored with zterm during the boot of netbsd has a
few interesting items:
"awacs at obio0 offset 0x14000 not configured"
"swim3 at obio0 offset 0x15000 not configured"
"adb0 at obio0 offset 0x16000 irq 18: 2 targets"
"aed0 at adb0 addr 0: ADB Event device"
"akbd0 at adb0 addr 2: extended keyboard"
"wskbd0 at akbd0"
I gather from this that netbsd finds the mouse and keyboard, but that
the screen is not configured.
A little later, the boot log gives:
"ofb0 at pci1 dev 11 function 0: Apple Computer Control"
"ofb0: 640 x 480, 8bpp
"wsdisplay0 at ofb0"
"Apple Computer PlanB (undefined subclass 0x00, revision 0x01) at pci1
dev 13 function 0 not configured"
Then I get the login prompt, followed by this message:
"Jan 27 08:05:33 macppc getty[188]: /dev/ttyE0: Device not configured"
I can log in and do stuff on NetBSD to my heart's content using ttya for
input and output.
I gather that ttyE0 is not configured because output is directed to
ttya, inherited from OF.
The above is obtained with "setenv output-device ttya" and "setenv
input-device ttya" in OF.
If I "setenv output-device ttya" and "setenv input-device kbd" in OF, I
get output info sent to ttya, and I can input info from the keyboard
through kbd. During boot of netbsd, I get boot info output to ttya,
displaying information to "zstty0 at zsc0 channel 0 (console)" and
"zstty1 at zsc0 channel 1". Thereafter, I get nothing on the zterm
terminal through ttya, neither can I input commands through kbd, or
ttya. I have to hardware reboot.
"Henry B. Hotz" wrote:
> At 1:16 PM -0800 1/23/01, James T. Nelson wrote:
> >I tried setting "setenv output-device /chaos/control" and "setenv
> >input-device kbd", and then booting to the Jaz drive. The system
> >boots up, but the monitor is black, and no output on ttya. However,
> >I can input commands with the keyboard through ttya.
> >
> >I have not been able to get the monitor to work under OF either.
> >Usually, I get a white square, very stable. I can input commands to
> >OF through the keyboard, though. "setenv output-device ttya" blanks
> >the screen of the monitor, and displays on my terminal (Mac SE with
> >Zterm), as it should.
> First of all do you have the video patch for OF installed? OK, you
> tried SystemDisk. Have you tried stripping the patches to just that
> one? (In OF nvedit gets you a one-line emacs editor; ^c to quit and
> nvsave or nvstore to save the edit buffer back to nvramrc.)
> This version of OF only supports the original Mac output resolution
> so it initializes to 640 by 480 at 66 Hz, and that's all you can get.
> This corresponds to the resolution/timing of the original Toby card
> introduced with the MacII, and is not compatible with cheaper PC
> monitors.
> >I am using Apple's 1710 monitor, which was purchased with the 7500.
> >128 MByte of memory. The Jaz drive is 1 GByte. Except for the
> >monitor problem, NetBSD works just fine. OF 1.0.5.
> The 1710 should support that resolution. Do you have the ADB plugged
> in through the monitor? You could try unplugging the monitor ADB
> cord and plugging the kb/mouse in directly. Then the monitor/CPU
> interface is a bit simpler and you have bypassed some potential
> problems. Also are you using a monitor extension cable? That's
> unlikely to be the issue, but still. . .
> > Incidently, I tried setting wscons and /etc/ttys. No luck. I did
> >not try turning on the console in /etc/ttys or /etc/wscons.conf,
> >though.
> None of this should matter. Just see if you can get it working with
> OF. NetBSD just inherits the video configuration AFAIK.
What is "AFAIK"