Subject: Sharing drives between NetBSD and MacOS
To: None <>
From: Martijn van Buul <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/15/2001 12:13:16
I know it's not going to be easy, but the installation manual hinted
that it is possible:
I have a PowerMac G3/233DT, with the original 4 GB ATA disk, and a
540 MB SCSI disk. I originally wanted to dedicate the 4GB disk to
NetBSD, and the SCSI one to MacOS, but it turned out that NetBSD won't
boot from the ATA disk ("DEFAULT CATCH!"). It boots fine from the
SCSI disk, though.
I'm not quite willing to give up MacOS altogether, but the SCSI disk
is too small to be really useful for NetBSD - A binary-only installation
fits, but the sources most definately won't. Is there any way to have
NetBSD use a *portion* of the IDE disk?
If everything else fails, I could start rummaging in /usr/src/sys/dev/
ata/*, fooling the driver into thinking that the drive is actually
smaller, and add an offset at the right places. However, I'd call that
an ugly hack :)
Any ideas?
Martijn van Buul - -
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