Subject: Re: performa 5400/160 boot
To: David Henderson <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/12/2001 14:12:29
At 8:53 AM -0800 1/12/01, David Henderson wrote:
>Hello Manuel,
> >Hi again,
> >Its floppy drive is dead so I have to boot from cdrom.
> >I used the macppccd.iso image from pub/NetBSD/misc (it's bootable, rigth ?)
> >I'm also playing with a performa 5400/160 (which should be supported :).
>Well, when I downloaded it and started to burn it using Toast, Toast
>claimed it was a hybrid ISO/HFS CDROM. This species isn't advertised to
>work with any firmware younger than version 3,0, which comes with late
>model mac's. I made my own.
I don't think the details were posted to the list, but I think that
problem was ironed out. There is a lot of black magic in getting the
Apple Partition Map right so OF can find things and not get confused.
I know what the install docs say and I also think some hand tweaks
were made to the iso image on I admit I haven't
tried it myself since it's pretty easy to burn pure ISO 9660 disks
that work on OF 1.0.5.
>By the way, scsi device 3 is usually the CDROM drive on Apple Mac's. You
>are booting from device 0. Is this what you want to do?
>Also, I found that setting load-base and real-base was essential to success.
What he said ;-)
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