Subject: Re: Silly question - missing file...
To: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/09/2001 09:56:10
On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, gabriel rosenkoetter wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 08:23:09PM -0600, Donald Lee wrote:
> > Silly question: my security/daily script is complaining about a missing
> > file: (daily insecurity output)
> >
> > missing: ./etc/mk.conf
> >
> > What is this file? It's not in the distribution.
> >
> > What am I missing?
> It contains (optional) variable settings for pkgsrc. Just doing a
> touch /etc/mk.conf ; chmod 644 /etc/mk.conf will be fine.
> If we're toing to have this in mtree, we really ought to also have
> it in the default distributions.
No, because then if you update your OS, you have to rebuild it. :-) It
(IMHO) grows at a different pace than the rest of the OS. Most of the
things I shove in mk.conf are pkgsrc related. In fact,
/usr/pkgsrc/mk/mk.conf.example contains a sampe version. :-)
The point I'm mangling is that most of the files in /etc interact with
each other. Like all the /etc/rc.d scripts and their variables, etc. But
/etc/mk.conf has more to do with your userland source trees and how they
are set up. The latter usually aren't changed when you upgrad your OS (we
try to keep user files where they were after all :-) so it's more likely
that it'll need to stay as it was.
Another way to put this is that /etc/mk.conf needs upgrading when you
upgrade your pkgsrc tree, not when you upgrade your OS. That's why (IMHO)
it should not be in the OS. :-)
Take care,