Subject: Re: Does PPP work on MacPPC?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/31/2000 23:46:23
> You can watch the lights, and see that the ping goes out, the
> response comes right back, and the message to the screen gets output
> [at next network activity].  As far as I can tell, the incoming
> packet from the PPP interface is getting queued, waiting for a
> software interrupt, and the software interrupt is not getting
> triggered for some reason.

Hmm.  Is it any network activity, or any network activity on the PPP
line?  Sounds a bit like a missing schednetisr(), but that's in an MI
part of PPP, so if it were missing, PPP would lose on all arches.

Hmm, schednetisr()'s implementation is MD.  Maybe check that the macppc
version doesn't mishandle NETISR_PPP?  I don't see anything obviously
wrong with it through from schednetisr to pppintr, but that's only a
couple minutes' code reading.

> I'm betting that this has not been addressed because no one has PPP
> working on MacPPC - (serial ports dont work....)

In what sense do they not?  I'm seeing some odd brokenness on the
console serial port on my 4400/200; it works okay for a while (at least
FSVO "a while"), but then it acts as though the receiver falls over -
it just stops paying attention to input characters.  For a while I
thought the whole machine was hanging, but then I noticed it happened
only when I was actively typing.  Shortly thereafter, I got it up
enough to talk to the net, and next time it "hung", sure enough, it
still answered the net.  Is this sort of experience common?

					der Mouse

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