Subject: NetBSD 1.5 Compatibility with PowerCenter
To: None <>
From: Taro Fukunaga <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/07/2000 21:03:56

I am interested to know if I can run NetBSD 1.5 using the following 
hardware configuration:

PowerCenter 120 + 300MHz G3
XClaim 3D PCI card
2930 UltraSCSI Card

According to the "Model Support" page at, on-board platinum video 
is broken in OF so I must use a serial console, and it also looks like I 
can't boot from a hard disk hosted by the SCSi card. Will I be able to 
boot if I reattach the hard disk to the internal SCSI interface? Since I 
have a 7100/66 that I can connect to the PowerCenter via ZModem, will I 
able to make the necessary modifications to the booting process to boot 
NetBSD independently?

Thank you for any information and I look forward to installing NetBSD!!

