Subject: setting for wscons ..
To: netbsd-port-macppc <>
From: charlie allom <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/09/2000 06:50:33

just wondering if i'm missing something in the wscons FAQ or if there is a

a) i set wscons=YES in rc.conf

b) in wscons.conf i leave it alone.. but enable the 'font to load'

when i enable this font i get:
wsfontload: WSDISPLAYIO_LDFONT: Invalid argument 

this is the default that i'm not touching..

#  Uncomment if a serial console is used.
#screen 0       -       vt100
#screen 1       -       vt100

c) in /etc/ttys i set it like:

ttyE0   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt100   on secure
ttyE1   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt100   on secure

d) then i ..

sh /etc/rc.d/wscons start
kill -1 1

what i get:
after the 'sh' bit:
wsfontload: WSDISPLAYIO_LDFONT: Invalid argument

after the kill -1 bit:
Nov  9 06:43:10 vulcanised init: port /dev/tty00 changed utmp index from 3
to 4
Nov  9 06:43:12 vulcanised getty[24080]: /dev/ttyE1: Device not configured

also, the FAQ says Ctrl-Alt .. is this Ctrl-Opt ?

cheers for tips,

Melbourne, Australia - PGP available