Subject: problem booting 7500
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/31/2000 11:24:21
short version: trying to boot from cd, doesn't work.
long version:
I have a power mac 7500 with 604 upgrade:
0 > dev / ls
FF828F80: /PowerPC,604@0
FF829230: /l2-cache@0,0
I managed to boot the 1.4.2 floppy once on the machine and am now trying
to boot from a 1.5_BETA cd. I placed 'ofwboot.xcf' and a kernel in the /
directory of the CD. The CD does not have a HFS partition. The CD-ROM
drive is on the external scsi bus.
Open Firmware, 1.0.5
To continue booting the MacOS type:
To continue booting from the default boot device type:
0 > printenv load-base
load-base 600000 4000
0 > boot scsi/sd@4:0,ofwboot.xcf unrecognized Client Program formatstate
not valid
0 > boot scsi/sd@4:0,OFWBOOT.XCF unrecognized Client Program formatstate
not valid
Is 'ofwboot.xcf' working in the 1.5_BETA snapshot?