Subject: Booting from HD on an 8500
To: None <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/30/2000 01:24:06
This is probably a FAQ, and I'm probably doing something wrong.  I'm
hoping someone else can point out what it might be...

I have an 8500 with G3 accel. that I'm trying to get NetBSD running on.
It, of course, has OpenFirmware 1.0.5.

To start the story...  I was having trouble with -1.5_BETA and -current
boot floppies--they both register either read failures or "FD: can not
LOAD from this device" (or something very much like that).  I was finally
able to get a floppy that booted by going back to 1.4.2.

Now, I want to install 1.5_BETA, so I used the 1.4.2 installer to
disklabel sd1 (scsi-int/sd@1).  I then mounted the filesystems,
configured mc0, downloaded the sets, and untarred them.  However, I
can not get the system to boot from this disk.  I have a hard disk
and a CD-ROM on each of the scsi busses.  The disk I want to boot
off of is ID 1 on the internal bus.  It probes in NetBSD as sd1.

So, booted from the floppy, I have tried both:

	cp /usr/mdec/ofwboot /mnt/boot
	/usr/mdec/installboot -v /mnt/boot /usr/mdec/bootxx /dev/rsd1a


	cp /mnt/usr/mdec/ofwboot /mnt/boot
	/mnt/usr/mdec/installboot -v /mnt/boot /mnt/usr/mdec/bootxx /dev/rsd1a

In both cases, I get failures.  Something like:

	0 > boot RESETing SCSI bus
	RESETing SCSI bus
	DEFAULT CATCH!, code=FFF00700 

I event grabbed -current's for comparison.  The only difference is in
the code that's returned.  I have seen: FFF00300, FFF00400, and FFF00700.

OF "printenv" shows:
0 > printenv 

little-endian?      false               false
real-mode?          false               false
auto-boot?          false               true
diag-switch?        false               false
fcode-debug?        false               false
oem-banner?         false               false
oem-logo?           false               false
use-nvramrc?        false               false
real-base           F00000              -1 
real-size           100000              100000 
virt-base           -1                  -1 
virt-size           100000              100000 
load-base           600000              4000 
pci-probe-list      -1                  -1 
screen-#columns     64                  64 
screen-#rows        28                  28 
selftest-#megs      0                   0 
boot-device         scsi-int/sd@1:0     /AAPL,ROM
boot-file           netbsd              
diag-device         fd:diags            fd:diags
input-device        ttya                ttya
output-device       ttya                ttya
  z 2C + 8CC '& 8 + BRpatchyn then ;;l-method else $call-parent then ;
boot-command        boot                boot

Anyone have any ideas?
