Subject: pkgsrc gtk-- ??
To: None <>
From: Hans-Christian Becker <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/26/2000 19:30:41
Has anyone experienced any problems in building gtk-- out of recent
(yesterday) pkgsrc? I took the plunge today and built gnome---except
for a small glitch (pkg/lib/libpopt, which gnumeric wants, wan not
installed), all went well until gtk-- wants libsigc++. It's there
alright, but if I manually override the check for it, the build falls
over due to "missing" sigc++ header files. I tried various configure
incantations but no luck. The gtk-- Makefile is dated July this year,
so surely _someone_ must have built it [on macppc]???
(NetBSD 1.5H)
Best regards,
Dr. Hans-Christian Becker (
Department of Physical Chemistry
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden