Subject: Please proofread: revised install docs for OF 1.1.22 (Apple
To: None <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/25/2000 22:57:23
Since I don't have access to an OF 1.1.22 machine, I need y'all to give me
some feedback on this.
In particular, I need to know answers to the following questions:
How do you enter OF? Command-Option-O-F on an ADB keyboard? When do you
have to hold it down (does the system "chime" like other PowerMacs, or just
Can you netboot using your internal ethernet (I ask since OF 1.0.5 can't)?
This is a bit sketchy, since I'm given to understand that the NetBSD kernel
has troubles with the internal ethernet.
Does the "Apple PCI Ethernet Card" have OF drivers? Can you netboot from
it? What's its OF device name?
Run the following command in OF:
dev enet .properties
Does the local-mac-address variable match with what AIX says is your MAC
address (arp -a)? Which MAC address does your system use when netbooting?
Can you boot from a hybrid ISO/HFS CD-ROM (again, OF 1.0.5 can't)?
Do your OF settings get cleared when you boot into AIX (they do when OF
1.0.5 is booted into MacOS)?
Can you give me some examples of the OF device you use to boot from CD-ROM?
What are the default values of real-base and load-base in OF 1.1.22?
Do you need to set real-base to F00000 to load a > 3 MB kernel?
Do you need to set load-base to load ofwboot.xcf?
Do changing either of these two values mess up AIX?
What is the AIX command to write the floppy image to a disk?
Can you share partitions with AIX on a drive, and what tool do you use to
partition your drive?
Can OF 1.1.22 load ofwboot.xcf from an AIX filesystem?
Is there no screen device in OF 1.1.22 (i.e. why must you use serial console)?
Just to double-check: "Port 2" is "ttya", right?
And just to confirm: OF 1.1.22 can boot from the following media: ethernet,
MS-DOS, `partition zero', and ISO. Right?
-- MW
Bootable media in Open Firmware 1.1.22
Users have reported that the NetBSD kernel does not work well with the
on-board MACE-based ethernet (the one that requires an Apple AAUI don-
gle). If your system does not have the Apple PCI Ethernet Card, you may
need to purchase and install another ethernet card in your Apple Network
1. Discussion of what's available
There are four methods of opening a file in OF 1.1.22: from an MS-
DOS filesystem, over ethernet, from an ISO 9660 (CD-ROM) filesystem,
or from `partition zero'. In all cases except `partition zero',
your system must open the `ofwboot.xcf' bootloader to load the ker-
nel. The `partition zero' method loads a primary bootloader called
`bootxx' which then loads an `ofwboot' bootloader, which then loads
the kernel. The `ofwboot' bootloader is functionally identical to
We can almost immediately discount use of the MS-DOS filesystem, as
neither the ofwboot.xcf bootloader or the kernel can read files di-
rectly from it.
As for ethernet, you can run your entire system diskless or netboot
only the files necessary to boot (i.e. the bootloader and the in-
stallation kernel), but you must have root access on another UNIX
machine on your subnet.
If you do not have access to a DHCP server running NFS, then you
must load ofwboot[.xcf] either from an ISO 9660 (CD-ROM) disk or
from `partition zero'.
Once ofwboot[.xcf] has loaded, it can open a kernel from only three
sources: over ethernet (NFS), from a NetBSD filesystem (FFS), or
from a CD-ROM filesystem (ISO 9660).
The boot floppy image provided with the distribution sets has a
`partition zero' bootloader and a NetBSD filesystem with an instal-
lation kernel.
When you are first installing NetBSD you will not have any NetBSD
filesystems on your machine, unless you use the boot floppy. This
leaves one option: ISO 9660.
If you will be running your system diskless (i.e. entirely over NFS,
not using any local hard drives), then you do not need to run the
installer although you may still do so.
You must run the installer to place NetBSD on a hard drive on your
macppc system.
2. The three common installation techniques (and one not)
o Create the boot floppy. Use some tool to write the boot floppy
image to a floppy disk, and boot from that. The primary boot-
loader (in `partition zero') will load `ofwboot' which will load
the installation kernel. Alternatively, you may
o Create an ISO 9660 CD-ROM. Place ofwboot.xcf and the installa-
tion kernel at the top level of the CD. You may, while you're
at it, also place the NetBSD 1.5_FOO distribution sets on the
disk. You will have OF load ofwboot.xcf from the disk, and it
will then load the installation kernel. If you do not have ac-
cess to a CD-R burner, then you must
o Boot over the ethernet. You will need to set up the DHCP daemon
in BOOTP compatable mode, the TFTP daemon, and the NFS daemons
on your netboot server. You will tell OF to boot over ethernet,
and it will send a BOOTP request, which will tell OF what your
system's IP address is, and where its bootloader can be down-
loaded via TFTP. Once OF has downloaded the bootloader via
TFTP, it will then load the installation kernel via an NFS con-
o If all else fails, write the floppy disk image If0 0If1 1If2
2If3 You will need to find a spare bootable drive (i.e. SCSI or
IDE). You'll use some tool to write the floppy disk image to
your spare drive, and boot from that drive. The floppy image
has a `partition zero' bootloader which ultimately loads the in-
stallation kernel.
Open Firmware 1.1.22 System Preparation
1. Getting to the OF prompt
You need to hold down a special key combination when your system
boots. After the chime starts, but before it stops, hold down the
`Command', `Option', `o', and `f' keys (the `Command' key looks like
a four-leaf clover or an open apple, and the `Option' key may look
like a two-way switch with four straight line segments).
Your Apple Network Server has defaulted to using a serial console.
You must hook up a serial console (38400 bps, 8 bits, no parity, 1
stop bit, no handshaking) to `Port 2' (which is the `ttya' device in
Now, you should see the OF command prompt:
0 >
2. Setting OF up to boot NetBSD
You must set some OF variables before NetBSD can boot.
0 > setenv load-base 600000
0 > setenv real-base F00000
0 > reset-all
The last command reboots your machine so that the real-base setting
takes effect.
If you will be netbooting your system, you can look up your MAC ad-
0 > dev enet .properties
local-mac-address CCCCCCCC CCCC