Subject: Re: Netbooting with OF 1.0.5 again...
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/21/2000 17:52:04
> >Well, it now seems that the floppy drive has
> >croaked on me, and it's no longer able to boot from diskette (all I
> >get is "READ TIMEOUT").
> >
> >I checked the price for a new floppy drive, and, well, "it's not
> >PC prices" (they wanted 1350 NOK -- more than 140 USD -- eww).
> new floppy *drive*?
Yep, that's what I suspect I need.
> write yourself a new floppy boot disk! i noticed that floppy
> boot disks get "tired" as well, and i find a 'new' disk and
> write the same image to it again. then boot.
Been there, done that. I've written 6 or so new floppy disk
images on two different machines (i386), and all the disks fail
to boot in the same way.
I really wish the fix was that simple...
- H=E5vard