Subject: PowerBSDrouter
To: None <>
From: Bart Hirst <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/20/2000 11:24:04
Hi everybody,
First of all I want to thank everyone who contributes to this extremely
knowledgeable mailing list. With all the great material here and on the web site, I’ve managed to gain control of my OF (more by
hi-jacking than anything else ;) explore the bowels of NVRAM, hack system
disk, install NetBSD, config my network and setup ipf & ipnat. This is all
in an effort to finally replace my IPNR OS9 Firewall with an elegant BSD
kernel, and I've succeeded! (Now here’s some fun, how else could I quench
that little devil inside me that keeps telling the sane voice ‘we’ll be in
bed in 15 mins, don’t worry about it’ till 3am)
So the system I put together was %100 free. That’s the best part. It’s a
powercenter 150 (remember those? It looks like a crappy desktop pc, but
secretly hides an ADB & SCSI on the back) I call it my PowerBSDrouter.
Built in mc0 plus the 3com 3c590b PCI ex0 I put in last week, very nice.
Version info: NetBSD 1.5_ALPHA2 (GENERIC) #0: Wed Aug 30 21:01:19 JST 2000
The console is a performa475 pizza box running MicroPhone (wow, flashback)
connected with a serial cable to the BSD box. Printer port on the 475 to
the modem port of the PowerCenter150. Pretty standard serial connection,
with the baud rate turned up. Works like a charm. I spent a week trying to
get the mysterious, much touted and beautificus 640x480 60hz display OF
patch to work, but with no avail. (Don’t know why I bothered, I guess I’m
just one of those people that can be routed in on a problem, no matter how
dim-witted until the brick wall finally wins.)
So if you read through this much of my babble I’m impressed, here’s the
reason / problem I wrote this email to discuss:
I’m having major delays in simple cmd’s on my box.
1) telnet prompts can take up to 5 mins to come around.
2) Su takes several minutes to prompt for a password
3) Yesterday I couldn’t get a prompt at all, even on the serial console
4) ‘who’ can take minutes to generate a logged on list
5) ipnat maps seem to not flush after a –C –F, very strange behavior. Lots
of ioctl(SIOCADNAT): File exists messages in unpredictable patterns.
6) cat <file> | more hangs for several minutes sometimes
NOTE : ipf & ipnat seem to run flawlessly while these ‘hangs’ occur. So I
know the ipf engine is running fine.
I know all of this is very vague, and it’s probably a common or simple
problem I’m unaware of being a BSD newbie. Thanks for reading if you did,
and any suggestions for troubleshooting much appreciated!
Thanks everybody!!
Bart Hirst