Subject: Re: 0claim failed?
To: jhergan <>
From: Thilo Manske <Thilo.Manske@HEH.Uni-Oldenburg.DE>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/08/2000 19:26:17
On Sun, Oct 08 2000 at 11:35:27 -0500, jhergan wrote:
> Thilo Manske
> >On Sun, Oct 08 2000 at 10:44:43 -0500, jhergan wrote:
> >> I set the OF on my Performa 6360 with OF 2.0 using BootVariables (because
> >> Sytem Disk doesn't work on the Performa). The variables I set are:
> >> input-device kbd
> >> output-device screen
> >> boot-device fd:0
> >> use-nvramrc true (but I don't know if this is right)
> >> auto-boot false
> >> boot-file ofwboot.xcf
> >I wonder where do you get that from...
> Well, that's a good question. It was set by default to ttya (as input
> and output dev).
No, i ment "boot-file ofwboot.xcf" :-)
It's only used by the OF when it boots a file
a) from a MSDOS or HFS (MAC OS) partition (doesn't work with OF2 AFAIK)
b) from CDROM
c) from net
OF doesn't "understand" NetBSD's FFS, so it boots "the whole disk", i.e.
loads a bootblock wich then loads the second bootstrap code automagically
(wich is usually a file called just "boot" in the root directory of the boot
I'm not sure right now, maybe that secondary bootstrap uses "boot-file" to
choose wich kernel to load, but I can't check that ATM...
> OK. Here's what I'll try:
> input and output-device ttya
> boot-device fd:0
> use-nvramrc false (the default)
> auto-boot false (so it boots into OF)
> boot-file ofwboot.xcf
> load-base 6c0000
> Is that right?
I think so.
> >This means, you probably have to use a serial console. [Otherwise I get
> >that with
> >my Umax Apus 3000 as well (same board, same OF as your Performa 6360)].
> >
> >See
> >for more information
> Serial console? So I have to connect my powerbook to my performa and use
> some app to see the performa's terminal output?
Or some other computer/terminal...
> >> "bad partition number using 0claim failed"
> >>
> >> I can hear the floppy drive start to respond, but then I get an error.
> >> I've also had the machine start spinning the floppy and then
> >> automatically rebooting into OF with the error "claim failed"
> >My drive was very picky about the floppy. It didn't
(Oh, f*ck. I sent the mail before I finished it :-) ) with my first floppy disk. I made a second one and then it worked.
Dies ist Thilos Unix Signature! Viel Spass damit.