Subject: Re: Built-in Ethernet on PowerBook 3400
To: David Brownlee <>
From: Eric Damien Berna <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/04/2000 10:28:36
At 7:40 PM +0100 10/3/00, David Brownlee wrote:
> IPv6 should not make any difference (I've run machines either
> way).
> Could you try 'options TLP_MATCH_21041' to see if the newer
> 'tlp' driver handles your card better than the 'de' driver.
Somebody else suggested that off list, so I tried it. It doesn't
work either, and I get this repeating error:
tlp0: filter setup and transmit timeout
Any other suggestions?
Thank you.
Eric Damien Berna
Thiel Design
Phone: 414.271.0775