Subject: Re: Beige G3 OFW ROM Update
To: Chris Tribo <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/02/2000 15:18:55
At 9:14 AM -0400 10/2/00, Chris Tribo wrote:
>	Last week I bought a $40 "Rev. B" OFW ROM chip upgrade for my
>Beige G3/DT/233 from OWC [Other World Computing] (OF 2.0f1 orginally, the
>Rev. 1 G3 logic board).
>   Here's the run down on pertinent info:
>Still OFW 2.0f1

So you are saying the upgrade did not change anything?

Are you giving a status report of what works on a Beige G3, or are 
these things that changed after you installed the "upgrade"?  I'd be 
surprised (though not enormously so) if Apple put out a new ROM 
without changing the version number at all.

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