Subject: Thanks, was: 100BaseT Cards?
To: Cliff Neighbors <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/28/2000 13:25:48
That was fast.  I've got 2, maybe 3, cards that should work and 
confirmation that I can't just assume anything from port-i386 will 
work without effort.

Cliff:  do any of your not-working cards overlap with the reported 
working ones?  It would be interesting to see if we can confirm your 
suspicion that the problem was in the PCI support code.  I'm looking 
at [78]500 machines myself.

The last time I remember a report on the list someone had something 
*almost* working, but not quite.  I assume anything that works on 
port-i386 should be fixable with a minimum of effort, but it's nice 
to see I shouldn't have to resort to that.

Thanks guys.  Also TIA to anyone who is yet to answer.

Now for the comparison shopping part. . .

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