Subject: Re: Some help about Power Computing PowerBase 200.
To: Detelin Batchovski <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/08/2000 10:01:21
At 4:23 PM +0300 9/8/00, Detelin Batchovski wrote:
>ok, I will try varios combinations to enter OpenFirmware.
>But is that pin-out wright ?
>pin1 pin6
>pin2 (or 2 and 7) pin4
>pin3 pin2
>pin4 (or 4 and 8) pin5
>pin5 pin3
I don't know PC DB9 pin-out at all. The recommended connection to a
DB25 connector is:
DIN8 DB25 Direction
1 DTR 4,20 DTR&RTS ->
2 CTS 5 CTS <-
3 TxD- 2 TD ->
4 Ground 7 SG <->
5 RxD- 3 RD <-
6 TxD+ NC ->
7 GPi 8 DCD <-
8 RxD+ 7 SG <-
This is from the Apple Remote Access Modem Scripting Guide: Version
2.1. I include the direction because you can use a voltmeter to look
at the pins as a sanity check to see if the pin-out matches your
understanding. Output lines should show around 5 to 12 V either + or
-. I don't think the Mac does this, but I did see one RS-232
implementation where unconnected inputs showed as -2.5 V. The inputs
were biased to provide noise immunity if they were unconnected.
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