Subject: Re: Some help about Power Computing PowerBase 200.
To: Detelin Batchovski <>
From: Thilo Manske <Thilo.Manske@HEH.Uni-Oldenburg.DE>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/08/2000 16:18:54
On Fri, Sep 08 2000 at 16:23:25 +0300, Detelin Batchovski wrote:
> ok, I will try varios combinations to enter OpenFirmware.
> But is that pin-out wright ?
> DIN8 DB9
> pin1 pin6
> pin2 (or 2 and 7) pin4
> pin3 pin2
> pin4 (or 4 and 8) pin5
> pin5 pin3
Well. This is what I use:
8 7 6 _________
( 5.....1 )
5 4 3 \ 9...6 /
1 2
Mini-Din-8 Dsub-9 (Nullmodem)
1 HSK Out 7 RTS
2 HSK In 8 CTS
3 TXD- 2 RX
4 GND 5 Signal Ground
5 RXD- 3 TX
6 TXD+ -
8 RXD+ 5 Signal Ground
(The difference is to use CTS/RTS for handshaking wich is IMHO more common
than DSR/DTR)
BTW: It's better to make:
GND ---------//--------+- GND
RXD+ ---------\\--------+
RXD- ---------//---------- TX
or even better:
GND ----------\\--------+- GND
RXD+ ___ ___ _//_ ___ __|
RXD- ___X___X_\\_X___X____ TX
(i.e. use a twisted pair for RXD+/RXD-)
instead of:
GND -+--------//-------- GND
RXD+ -+ \\
RXD- ----------//-------- TX
Dies ist Thilos Unix Signature! Viel Spass damit.