, NetBSD/macppc <port-macppc@netbsd.org>
From: Stefan Tramm <Stefan.Tramm@active.ch>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/13/2000 21:41:16
>> Perhaps a rerun of installboot may help?
> already tried that but no help. I reinstalled both bootxx and ofwboot from
> the 8/11 checkout. well is 0620 the last version of 1.4 tree?
This hint from Makoto Fujiwara works for me also:
>Change the kernel loading base. In my case,
>> setenv real-base F00000
>> reset-all
>Good luck,
The 1.5_alpha kernel detects all my devices (thats very GOOD!)
but does not find the root device sd0a (SCSI disk at addr 0 at
the MESH). It says:
boot device: unknown
root device:
But the (internal ADB) keyboard is dead -- so i am stuck again...
Why are there differences between the installation
kernels and the generic kernels?