Subject: Re: G4, 2GB RAM report (fwd)
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Jason R Thorpe <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/09/2000 11:16:53
Bill Studenmund forwarded this message to me...
> 1. int physmem:
> the page hash table is auto-sized in pmap_bootstrap()\pmap.c:
> #ifdef HTABENTS
> ptab_cnt = HTABENTS;
> #else /* HTABENTS */
> ptab_cnt = 1024;
> while ((HTABSIZE << 7) < ctob(physmem))
> ptab_cnt <<= 1;
> #endif /* HTABENTS */
> with >= 2GB RAM, ctob(physmem) as a signed quantity
> will evaluate negative right off so ptab_cnt never gets
> adjusted upwards. The result is overflow of the (puny)
> page table during startup before VM is initialized
> which results in panic("poalloc").
There are numerous ways to fix this problem, and something similar
has happened on other ports.
Here's another possible fix:
Index: pmap.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/syssrc/sys/arch/powerpc/powerpc/pmap.c,v
retrieving revision 1.30
diff -c -r1.30 pmap.c
*** pmap.c 2000/06/29 07:48:18 1.30
--- pmap.c 2000/08/09 18:14:05
*** 401,407 ****
ptab_cnt = HTABENTS;
#else /* HTABENTS */
ptab_cnt = 1024;
! while ((HTABSIZE << 7) < ctob(physmem))
ptab_cnt <<= 1;
#endif /* HTABENTS */
--- 401,407 ----
ptab_cnt = HTABENTS;
#else /* HTABENTS */
ptab_cnt = 1024;
! while (btoc(HTABSIZE << 7) < physmem)
ptab_cnt <<= 1;
#endif /* HTABENTS */
-- Jason R. Thorpe <>