Subject: Re: Succesfull booting under Beige G3, but...
To: charlie allom <>
From: Jaron Omega <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/06/2000 04:03:00
On Sun, 6 Aug 2000, charlie allom wrote:
>>I succesfull boot NetBSD 1.4.2 on Macintosh G3/266Mhz 320MB RAM/20GB HDD,
>>whole disk was used for NetBSD. Everything was fine, except one.
>can we know the OF commands you typed in to get it to boot? there are
>a few beige G3 owners out there looking for help.
I booted the installation boot disk with my Beige G3/233Mhz with:
boot fd:0
After it installed, it rebooted, and dropped straight into OF, and
started booting the kernel. As I don't have the machine boot other
OS's, this was definately fine for me.
>>Every time, after loading kernel, I am asked for root partition of disk,
>>swap device etc. Could you help me, how to disable this asks and force
>>volume to boot?
>i had this problem a well, i figured it was something to do with
>defining your main partition in a kernel conf. couldn't remember if i
>had to do that in port-mac68k so i let it slide.
Yes, I have this problem as well, but its UNIX, so what does 'reboot'
mean again? Its ok, I know what it needs, it does suck if for some
reason I have to restart the machine, its not going to come up by itself.
Jaron Omega