Subject: Altivec support in gcc
To: NetBSD Mailing List <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/21/2000 15:56:19
Time for a new thread!
First, I was told by Troy, who is a developer for Terra Soft Solutions
(Yellow Dog and Black Lab Linux for PowerPC), and who also helped to get
Altivec support into gcc, that one place to go is; they have
lots of software and information.
He also offered to help me (us) to get the latest diffs and mentioned that
he knows a lot of the pitfalls that the current gcc with Altivec has, and
is working on getting a clean set of diffs that generate a gcc that can
regenerate itself.
As soon as I have a little more time, I'm going to start working on this,
but I need to ask: has anyone built gcc 2.95.2 on NetBSD ppc? Who out
there has a G4 in case we do build a compiler and want to test it?
Ah... the luxury of time... And I still have a lot of documentation work
to finish...
John Klos