Subject: Re: Virtual terminals?
To: None <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/17/2000 05:10:32
> I am having difficulty getty the virtual terminals to work on my 7600.
>I have looked on the netbsd web site and edited the rc.conf files and the
>ttys file and I tried using alt and the F keys, command and the F keys, and
>control and the F keys and none of the combinations worked? Am I doing
>something wrong or did I miss a file to edit?
It is not your fault; the virtual terminal support does not exist on all
ports of NetBSD yet.
Virtual terminals are part of the VGA text mode driver, but many ports do
not use this (possibly because they run VGA cards in graphics mode only).
There have been debates about how to get generalized virtual terminals
into the graphics console code, but AFAIK nothing exists even in -current.
Todd Whitesel
toddpw @