Subject: Re: booting 3400 help (Re: booting CD ?)
To: charlie allom <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/16/2000 21:33:02
At 12:25 AM +1000 7/17/00, charlie allom wrote:
>im having major trouble with OF, can anyone else running a 3400 help
>me out and tell me how to boot from a CDROM? (which boot-device
>alias i should be using..)
>im getting error's like 'cannot LOAD' and 'formatstate not valid'
>the alias 'cd' and 'enet' arent there when i 'devalias' so hmmmm =\
'formatstate not valid' sounds like you have found something partly
valid, but are trying ofwboot.elf instead of ofwboot.xcf.
Presuming there is a devalias for scsi and your CD-ROM drive is ID 3,
then "boot scsi/sd@3:2,ofwboot.xcf -a" should get you started. I'm
not sure how your CD is formatted so you may want to try partitions
0-3, but I suggest you power cycle the machine after a failed attempt
since I don't think OF always cleans up after an error properly.
If there is no obvious devalias for the scsi bus then you will need
to search the whole device tree for the exact path to use. Maybe
something like /bandit/gc/mesh/sd@3...
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