Subject: Re: using Boot Variables for OS X DP4?
To: Thomas Koons , <>
From: Chris <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/09/2000 01:17:50
on 6/7/00 4:54 AM, Thomas Koons at wrote something

> I don't know if you can answer this but I was wondering it I could use the
> Boot Variables setup to boot my 6400 into OSX DP4? I think this might help me
> as I have found that the SystemDisk utility (as noted on this site) does not
> work.
> Thanks for any info
> Tom

    Well unfortunately that probably means one of two things: 1.) The
machine really can not work without an OF upgrade (which is probably not
possible, or very expensive ($100+) check or if you want to risk buying an OF upgrade SIMM. 2.)
Apple is just too lazy to write a patch. This being the case, unless you are
a Forth wizard, work for Apple, and have a lot of free time on your hands.
You're probably out of luck. You *may* be able to netboot the NetBSD
ofboot.xcf boot loader and then use that to try loading the OS X kernel :) I
have absolutely no experience with OS X so I dunno if that is feasible.
