Subject: serial line woes
To: Bob Nestor <>
From: Donald Lee <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/04/2000 12:42:38
>Donald Lee wrote:
>>I'm trying to set up dialin PPP, and the serial ports are acting
>>awfully strange.  It's almost like it's stuck in some strange
>>combination of parity/lengh, but I can't get anything reasonable.
>>I *can* sometimes get characters on the line, but seldom the ones

Bob Nestor replied:
>Some time ago NetBSD had a problem running logins on the serial ports.  
>The NetBSD banner was put out in 7O1 and the user prompt was in 8N0 or 
>something like that.  It made making an incoming connection via SLIP or 
>PPP impossible.  I think I fixed it at the time by playing with the 
>parameters in one of the /etc files.
>hope this helps,

Yes, except that I've been doing a lot of "playing" with /etc/ttys and
/etc/gettytab with no solid results.  I can sometimes get something
resembling output, but I can't seem to find a setting that works.

I have this working on my 68K NetBSD machines.  I'm wondering if
anyone is doing it on MacPPC.  The newer Macs don't have serial at all,
so it would not surprise me if it had some "issues".


Without a logic analyzer or scope, how do I tell whether the data
on the serial line is 7O1 or 8E2, or whatever?  I don't have
any tools that do this.

I also have not been able to find a way to explicitly set the data
bits (7 or 8) in /etc/gettytab.  Is this "hardwired" somewhere
according to particular data rates?

If (users(using_successfully && responding) > 0 ) {
} else {
	repeat {
		if (no_more_time) return(FAILURE);

		dig into the driver in the kernel;
		build kernel;
		test kernel;
	} until (working);