Subject: Installing on PowerBook from CD
To: None <>
From: Edwin Rudolph <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/18/2000 00:26:30
I have been trying to install 1.4.2 on a PB G3 266, OpenFirmware 2.0.1
from a CD. I ran System Disk and did most of the same things as were
mentioned a few months ago relating to the Beige G3.
The ofwboot.xcf and netbsd files are at the root of the CD. In OF :
dev ide1
boot ide1/disk@0:0,OFWBOOT.XCF
This will successfully load ofwboot. It then tries to load the kernel,
can't find one and prompts for the file. When I try specifying
It starts loading (the size -- 3xxxxxx -- along with the little spinner)
and then stops and says 'input/output error.'
I can, however, load another kernel on the CD, from
20000205/binary/kernel/netbsd.gz. This one isn't giving me the
sysinst however. Nevertheless, it boots just fine (minus the screen
dimming) and prompts for the root device, etc.
I have tried loading kernels over NFS also. Interestingly, this method
will only load small non-gzipped kernels, and only if they are not
gzipped. Bigger kernels will just lock up while the spinner is going, and
ofwboot refuses to load any gzipped ones.
I've been working on this for a couple of weeks now and I am completely
out of ideas. Any suggestions would be _greatly_ appreciated. :)~
Edwin Rudolph