Subject: Re: iMac and NetBSD 1.4.2
To: None <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/29/2000 15:52:59
At 1:10 PM +0200 4/26/00, Isobel wrote:
:)In OpenFirmware, I just do `boot', it says it hasn't got place
:)Then I run ofwboot.elf (`boot zip:owfboot.elf'), I quit it (`exit')
:)And retype (` boot'). Then it runs perfectly. The install
:)launches... I am in the install process at the moment (rebooting on MacOS)
:)to get the magic network numbers for ftp install...
Thanks for the suggestion! I tried this on my pismo (powerbook 2000) with
the following results:
After the first attempt to 'boot', I got the same error as Isobel:
load-size=0 adler 32=1
LOAD-SIZE is too small
After 'boot hd:ofwboot.elf' and 'exit', I tried 'boot' again.
It got much further:
Console keyboard type: ADB
[ netbsd symbol table has bad start address 0x267ffb02 ]
method <`usb-kbd-ihandle> not found; ihandle=ff9c9540 phandle=ff8843e8
This seems to jibe with what I understand of how the pismo is built (i.e.
the built-in keyboard is ADB). I don't have a USB keyboard that I can try
this with. I had previously posted to port-macppc the output of 'dev / ls'
and 'devalias' if this would be of any help.
I'd be glad to try any kernel that anyone is willing to send me (I don't
have another NetBSD/macppc system). I'd really like to get pismo support.
-- MW