Subject: Re: Booting from a CD
To: Andy <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/11/2000 16:07:37
At 10:19 AM -0700 4/11/00, Andy wrote:
> >boot cd:,ofwboot.xcf (or ofwboot.elf)
> >
> >Note that there's a comma `,' after the colon `:'.
> >
>I tried that
>That syntax works fine for hfs and msdos images on the harddrive but does not
>seem to work for the cdrom. I have even copied a is9660 image to the beginning
>of the harddrive and was able to boot from that, but from the actual cdrom.
>it gives one of two messages, one given even for non-existing files about
>unrecognized image and for "boot cd:0,ofwboot.elf" unable to load file.
>something about load-size=0.
Try this suggestion:
At 5:13 PM -0800 1/12/00, Bill Studenmund wrote:
>One thing you need to do with the .xcf version I believe is to have set
>loadbase right. It is 0x6c0000 in the current builds.
The context was different, but you never know. . .
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