Subject: Re: Missing FP functions?
To: None <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/20/2000 04:47:51
> > > > .if ${MACHINE_ARCH} != "powerpc"
> > > > SUBDIR+= except round
> > > > .endif
> > > > in regress/lib/libc/ieeefp/Makefile
> >
> > That was the first fix I tried, but it just got me to the next bug.
> > The directory just after libc/ieeefp dies too, and in the same way.
> Really?  The "make build" I started earlier today from freshly
> cvs update'd sources on the netbsd-1-4 branch and with the above
> fix applied just finished successfully.  What and where exactly
> was the error?

Oops, sorry, I was thinking off by one directory level. Here's why:

Look in regress/lib/libc/Makefile, and you'll see another .if which already
does what you want if you add powerpc to the list. That's where I have my
sources patched.

When I saw your powerpc-only .if, I had a minor brain burp and assumed
you were fixing the Makefile down in except/ (which is obviously not true
from reading your patch carefully, but it would have resulted in the error
I mentioned).

Todd Whitesel
toddpw @