Subject: Re: boot floppy image
To: Andy <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/14/2000 02:09:40
> How is the boot.fs image created? ( the one that is dd'd on the floppy)
> Where is the Makefile for it in the source tree?
I'm not too familiar with the macppc one yet, but I'd imagine a 'make' at
that level would do most of the work.
Note that part of the process involves creating a file, mounting it as a tiny
disk device on /dev/vnd0 or /dev/vnd1, and putting stuff in there. If that
small disk overflows (which often happens with -current as people sometimes
make changes that cause things to get bigger), then you can get stuck with
something mounted on /mnt and you can't run the makefile again. To fix it,
umount /mnt ; vnconfig -u vnd0 ; vnconfig -u vnd1
which is probably more than you need in some cases but should be safe enough.
Todd Whitesel
toddpw @