Subject: 68k to ppc port info query
To: None <>
From: Roger Brown <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/11/2000 09:11:47
This is a bit of a cross-post,
I have been running netbsd on an old maciicx, (which unfortunately died due
to the PSU), and I've really wanted netbsd or linux-ppc on my Performa 6200=
I have heard conflicting stories about why no OS exists for the Performa
6200/5200 series, one being that it is an oddity and not much info is
available for the hardware, and secondly that it is actually derived from a=
earlier performa (was there a Performa 620?). If this is the case does the
68k version run on this earlier performa and hence can the information
gleaned during that port be merged into a running 6200/5200 port?
As a side note, I originally bought the 6200 as it worked out about =A3100
cheaper than the 6100, and now regret that saving!
Roger Brown