Subject: Re: Co-existance of NetBSD and Mac OS: Is it possible?
To: Cliff Crawford <>
From: Bob Nestor <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/10/2000 18:41:04
Cliff Crawford  ( wrote:

>* Dan Winship <danw@MIT.EDU> menulis:
>> Is there any reason the existing Mac partition map code expects NetBSD
>> partitions to be of type APPLE_UNIX_SVR2?
>I'm guessing because it expects you to use Apple HD Setup (the older
>partitioner) to set up your hard drive, and it only has a limited number
>of partition types to choose from..

I think there's another reason to stick with this.  If one chooses to 
share the disk between NetBSD and MacOS there is always the possibility 
that the Partition Map will be manipulated by MacOS utilities.  From 
having worked on the Mkfs utility for the Mac68k port I know that there 
are a number of 3rd party disk formatters that really complain when they 
see some things in the Map they don't expect.  Sticking within the 
definitions provided by Apple for the Map contents seems to eliminate 
these problems.
