Subject: Re: Question on 6100 + Upgrade
To: Paul Barsamian <>
From: David A. Gatwood <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/04/2000 11:42:30
On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, Paul Barsamian wrote:
> Will NetBSD run faster if I upgrade a 6100 currently running it to a G3
> (with something like a Sonnet or other processor upgrade card)?
To my knowledge, NetBSD won't run on a 6100 yet. MkLinux will run on a
6100, and will run faster with Newer's accelerators. Sonnet's
accelerators, at last count, had an extension conflict with the MkLinux
booter. I'm not sure if the recent move to BootX will help there at some
point or not.