Subject: OF2.0 and/etc/mk.conf and ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES
To: None <>
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?John=20Moore?= <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/16/1999 17:00:00
I'm a newbie to NetBSD and having some problems that
their is probably very simple answers to . 

I have installed NetBSD/macppc on to a 6400 and having
some problems with OF2.0.

When input-device=kbd and output-device=screen I get a
claim failed but when input-device=ttya and
output-device=ttya the system boots without any
Is their any solution to this or will I have to live
with using a second mac to telnet to this machine.

Output of printenv is

0 > printenv

little-endian?      false               false
real-mode?          false               false
auto-boot?          false               true
diag-switch?        false               false
fcode-debug?        false               false
0 >
oem-banner?         false               false
oem-logo?           false               false
use-nvramrc?        false               false
real-base           1F00000             -1
real-size           100000              100000
virt-base           -1                  -1
virt-size           100000              100000
load-base           100000              4000
pci-probe-list      -1                  -1
screen-#columns     64                  64
screen-#rows        28                  28
selftest-#megs      0                   0
boot-device         ata/@0:0            /AAPL,ROM
diag-device         fd:diags            fd:diags
input-device        ttya                ttya
output-device       ttya                ttya
boot-command        boot                boot
0 >

After I installed NetBSD somebody on a different
subnet in the collage cracked in to this machine
.(possible that they used the ftpd, since been turned
off and NetBSD reinstalled.)

I've been looking for info for using shadow passwords
and can't find any, could somebody please point me to
a web site for infomation.

I tried to install ssh (I have a mac telnet client
that supports ssh1 connections) but I receive the
following error.

ssh-1.2.27 Unacceptable license: no-commercial-use -
set ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES in /etc/mk.conf to include
no-commercial-use to 

The rest of the error message was not displayed on the
serial console. ( Claris Works )

When I looked their was no /etc/mk.conf. Is it
possible to edit a file in the pkgsrc/security/ssh/ to
accept the License or do I have to get mk.conf. (From

Sorry for the lenght of the e-mail.
Any help would be gratefully accepted.

John Moore
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