Subject: BootX ide/OF interaction (or lack therof question)
To: None <>
From: Chris Tribo <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/01/1999 22:52:23
I was paging through the BootX 1.3 Source code, and I see where BootX
resets the SCSI bus(es), and where it kills off the current MacOS device
drivers. No where do I see a mention of ide/ATA/ATAPI devices. Does BootX
continue to use the IDE drivers in the state that MacOS left them in so it
does not encounter the OF 2.0f1 problem most of us Beige G3 owners have?
This is my first time dwelling on source code that isn't my own, and I
don't have code warrior to open the BootX project file. Does anyone know
enough forth to be able to issue ata-reset and ata-enable through OF?
"I use to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure..."