Subject: Re: Trouble when trying to boot...
To: NetBSD MacPPC port <>
From: Arvid Bj=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=f6rkstr=f6m?= <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/22/1999 21:42:21
That didn't work, I  got a list of all the aliases, but when I tried to 
use the boot command on them the computer just went back to booting 

btw will always have to use OF to boot NetBSD or MacOS, or is there a 
sollution to that like there is on most of the other ports?

>> Now I've installed NetBSD onto my internal ide disk and I'm trying to
>> boot but it just doesn't work. I'm using open firmware to boot from wd:0
>> ( boot wd:0  or  wd0 ).
>I'm not as familiar with the ide side of things, but you need to
>use open firmware style names to refer to disks, not BSD style.
>Typing devalias at the open firmware prompt might give you the
>name of the disk, and dev / ls gives you the whole device tree.
>It's probably something like : 
>boot ata/ata-disk@0:0
>boot ata/ATA-Disk@0:0
>(notice the upper/lower case)
>> As I said earlier, it didn't find my external (Mac bootable) Ultra SCSI
>You say it's an external SCSI: is it connected to a PCI card?
>Some SCSI cards may not be supported and therefore the external
>disk won't be available.
>Hope that helps,

--[ Arvid B ]---[ ]-----------------