Subject: Re: Trouble when trying to boot...
To: NetBSD MacPPC port <>
From: Geoffrey C Kinnel <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/22/1999 14:48:12
Arvid Björkström wrote:
> Now I've installed NetBSD onto my internal ide disk and I'm trying to
> boot but it just doesn't work. I'm using open firmware to boot from wd:0
> ( boot wd:0  or  wd0 ).

I'm not as familiar with the ide side of things, but you need to
use open firmware style names to refer to disks, not BSD style.
Typing devalias at the open firmware prompt might give you the
name of the disk, and dev / ls gives you the whole device tree.
It's probably something like : 

boot ata/ata-disk@0:0
boot ata/ATA-Disk@0:0
(notice the upper/lower case)

> As I said earlier, it didn't find my external (Mac bootable) Ultra SCSI

You say it's an external SCSI: is it connected to a PCI card?
Some SCSI cards may not be supported and therefore the external
disk won't be available.

Hope that helps,