Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] Appletalk not working on NetBSD 1.4 on
To: Donald Lee <>
From: Hauke Fath <hf@Melog.DE>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/17/1999 10:37:34
At 08:51 16.11.99 -0600, Donald Lee wrote:
>I'm trying to get netatalk working on a Mac G3/266 beige running NetBSD

Is that 1.4 like in "1.4.x release" or like in "1.4k", i.e. -current?

>I have built the asun 2.1.3 release, and the TCP side works, but
>I can't get anything in the atalk side to do anything.

What do you see in the syslog?

>ASIP works fine, will share volumes, and the like - except that I can't
>seem to get the "default" volumes to show up in the chooser on the
>other machines.  I have to give it the IP.
>The ifconfig -a shows that atalk iface is up on my ethernet.

I see similar things for -current on mac68k (see the discussion on 
port-mac68k). 1.4.x, on the contrary, works fine for me on mac68k and i386.


Hauke Fath                        Tangro Software Components GmbH
                                         D-69115 Heidelberg
hf@Tangro.DE                       Ruf +49-6221-13336-35, Fax -21