Subject: Re: Weird OF problem
To: Cliff Crawford <>
From: Jan Brands <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/05/1999 15:00:23
>a @ b !
Fetch a, store b; yes, I could have thought of that myself...

>I don't know if this will work in OF though, it seems they've taken a few
>liberties with the language (for instance you say "setenv auto-boot?
>instead of something like "false setenv auto-boot?" or "false auto-boot?
My idea exactly. I am far from being a Forth expert, but I noticed the
"break of style", too. (I would prefer "auto-boot? false setenv" ;-)

We'll see if the official syntax will work with these setenv-variables (and
if the "boot" command will work with these variables)...
