Subject: Re: Adaptec SCSI
To: None <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/03/1999 17:31:51
Thor Lancelot Simon writes:
> That is _precisely_ my position. I don't think mailbombing people at
> Adaptec is going to get any useful result. On the other hand, politely
> asking Adaptec to help resolve the current situation is probably a good
> thing.
Why bother? It is easier to buy an Advansys, or Buslogic, or some other
brand. If Adaptec really wanted my business, they would support the OS
that _I_ chose by, at the very minimum, providing technical documentation
to waiting highly skilled developers.
Ultimately my $$$ (yeah, 3 '$' for these suckers) will end up going to
another vendor, simply because my first choice (Adaptec) doesn't appear
to be cooperative.
Seriously, how much begging should an _end user_ do? If they don't
support what I need, I buy something else. Maybe I break down and buy
a fancy DPT card for $1000, instead of an Adaptec for $300. Who knows,
but ultimately Adaptec lost, I was merely inconvenienced.
So, I might talk to people, and express my unhappiness with the
situation, and say "May be you should consider another vendor", and maybe
they listen. :-)
Andrew Gillham | This space left blank | inadvertently.
I speak for myself, not for my employer. | Contact the publisher.