Subject: RE: Zapped pram...
To: None <>
From: Donald Lee <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/26/1999 09:01:11
It should be sufficient to do the command-option-p-r trick.
You hold these four down while booting, and listen for some
strange chimes. (I think you're supposed to wait for at least two)
the release the keys.
You'll have to get past OF and be running a MacOS ROM for this
to work, so you may have to boot the machine from a CD, or a MacOS partition
if this is a B&W and you don't have a handy MacOS partition.
>I encountered the same problem. That happens. You have to remove the battery
>for a while (15 min shall do it), for the nvram to reset. The default
>setting are quite good after that.
>best wishes
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Pawel Jaskorzynski []
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 1999 9:48 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Zapped pram...
>> While messing around in OF my video stopped working so I decided to zapp
>> the pram. Now, video doesn't work and the system doesn't boot. DOes the
>> install set anything specific in the OF? I mean not the boot-device or
>> boot-file etc, but f.e. nvramrc ?
>> Where to find more on OF (I have all 3 Apple Tech Notes mentioned in the
>> FAQ, they don't help)?
>> Thanx,
>> Pawel