Subject: Re: 7600 hangs on boot - new info
To: None <>
From: Geoffrey C Kinnel <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/18/1999 12:54:42
I sent a message Friday about being unable to boot. I switched to
the GENERIC_MD version of the kernel and now it boots
successfully and probes the device tree.
It appears, however, that netbsd-GENERIC_MD is used for a netboot
or install. It prompts for a terminal type and gives the
(I)nstall, (S)hell or (H)alt prompt. Is this how NetBSD always
boots, or is it the generic kernel I have?
It doesn't mount my filesystems on my hard disk, but sets up / on
Any reason that the netbsd kernel of May 10 wouldn't boot a
7600/132, but the GENERIC_MD kernel would? Does netbsd always use
the OF screen for interaction? (/chaos/control for this machine,
it's darn ugly though).
I hope this isn't something obvious that I've missed. Thanks for
any tips/pointers you can provide.